展覽地點 Exhibition Site
牛頭角觀塘道行人天橋底 (九龍灣鐵路站B出口,向彩虹方向)
Kwun Tong Road, Ngau Tau Kok (Footbridge outside Exit B of Kowloon Bay Station, towards Choi Hung)
參展藝術家 Participating Artists
甘小文 KAM Siu Man | *咩世界 What a World |*謝曬皮 TSE Sai Pei by Jasmine TSE
Under the Bridge Art Project: Once Upon A Horn
After “Once Upon A Goose” at Goose Neck Bridge in 2015, Art Together continues to extend “comic under the bridge” to other districts and invites three renowned local art units: KAM Siu Man, Me1 World, Tse Sai Pei to showcase story and history of Kowloon Bay and Ngau Tau Kok for “Once Upon A Horn” in 2017. The project aims to challenge the stereotype about public art as visual decoration in public space only, and to provide more platforms for contemporary artists to communicate with audience in the urban public space. Besides, storytelling session by Uncle Child on the opening day and cultural tours during the exhibition period also welcome everyone to look into Ngau Tau Kok with us together.